Libra Lunar Eclipse 3 25 24 Chiron Society 3 20 24
It’s Eclipse Season!. Anxiety or fear have been associated with Eclipse Season because of the potential for unexpected permanent changes in your life. You may already sense a whiff of the coming changes generated by the upcoming Lunar and Solar Eclipses, March 25 and April 8th, respectively, this year.
Each eclipse has it’s own personality. At Chiron Society , Wed. Mar 20th, at 7:00 pm, I’ll share the secrets of the Libra Lunar Eclipse coming March 25th. Using your complimentary birth chart and personal Astrological reading, I’ll determine where in your life an Eclipse effect is possible. I’ll share your best strategy for dealing with any sudden shifts of fate indicated by an eclipse.
$40.00 PER PERSON payable by PayPal or Venmo will to get the code for the correct meeting and I will forward your Astrological charts.
Astrologically Yours, Sandra Jennings, (530)410-3702