Sandra Jennings Astrology

Pisces New Moon 2024 Chiron Society 3 6 24

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At the dark of the Pisces New Moon, Sun, Moon and planets cluster beneath the horizon in Pacific Standard Time. There’s more concern for private, family issues, home and hearth. Pisces rulership by Neptune  indicates a blessed connection to peace and the spiritual realm of the angels and ascended masters.

New Moon and Sun ONLY aspect outer planets, Uranus and Neptune, psychic and spiritual matters.  Uranus is also the focus of squares from Aquarian Venus and Mars. Rebellious energy stirs up from the inside and needs an outlet.  Restless hearts and bodies need more activity, variety, freedom and inspiration.

At Chiron Society tomorrow night at 7:00 pm on  I’ll use your complimentary birth chart and provide your  intuitive,  Astrological reading,  I’ll locate where you will more easily connect to the Spirit Realm and where surprising and sometimes explosive Uranian/Aquarian energy is building, and perhaps likely to erupt in your life.

I’ll continue to explain and reveal the influential shifts of activity from the Aries Equinox, 3/19  and Libra Lunar Eclipse, 3/25.  April’s conjunction of Jupiter with Uranus in Taurus promises big surprises worldwide.

On Wed  March 6th join me for Chiron Society at 7:00 pm on Please RSVP it’s  $40.00 PER PERSON get the code to for the correct meeting, and  your  personalized charts for the Pisces  New Moon.

Astrologically Yours, Sandra Jennings                                                                           530-410-3702