Sandra Jennings Astrology

Scorpio Full Moon 4 23 24

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If you have been experiencing any changes in your “normal” way of doing business the coming Scorpio Full Moon could continue to bring transformative changes. In water sign Scorpio, expect intense emotions at the Full Moon. Both Sun and Moon square off to Pluto, one of the dual rulers of Scorpio. This is another indicator of metamorphosis due to detour or blockage. Some relief is in sight, however. Mars the traditional ruler of Scorpio makes a save with a sextile to abundance giver, Jupiter…but Jupiter  is accompanied  by Uranus. Let’s not forget Mercury Retrograde!!   I’ll do my best to find these markers of reform, fluctuation and refashioning in your chart and give you some strategies to deal with them tomorrow night at Chiron Society Astrological Group.

I’m not immune to making changes now, we’ll meet for Chiron Society on Google Meet instead of tomorrow at 7:00 pm PST. It’s still $40.00 per person  payable on PayPal or Venmo. You will, as always,  receive your complimentary birth chart and personal intuitive reading! BUT, you’ll have to RSVP so I can give you the link to the correct meeting. This is a little different but hopefully more reliable than has been of late.

To let me know you will join me tomorrow at 7:00 pm or if you have any questions about this newer way to enjoy Chiron Society, contact me at:

Sandra Jennings                                                                                                                       530-410-3702