Early years- Cleveland, Ohio
Private art instruction from Louis Penfield- student of Frank Lloyd Wright
Study at Cleveland Institute of Art
Study -Pratt Institute of Art
Study at Cooper Union Institute of Art
Integral Yoga Institute New York City- yoga practice
Sat Sang with Swami Satchidananda
Initiated into practice of TAROT by Yvonne Rankin at studio of Frank Bongiorno
US Virgin Islands- Local Personality and TAROT reader -Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas, VI
TAROT Card Readings daily, locally, consulted to predict results of first Gubernatorial Race in 1971
Appointments for Scheduled TAROT readings, channeling done at Circe- Archeological Jewelry and gemstones,
Practice of Astrology begins with gift of huge Astrological Library
Study and Practice with local Occultist- Charles from Haiti
Moved to Old San Juan- Puerto Rico- Card and Crystal readings at The Gypsy Tea Room, Gypsy Markov- proprietor, Condado Blvd-
Television appearance on Walter Mercado Show
Return to Cleveland Ohio
1971-72 Astrological tutoring from Rosecrucian Michael -Cleveland Theosophical Society
Continued accumulation of Astrological Library with intensive study to present
Astrologicial readings, Natal and transits done locally
Move to San Fransisco Bay Area, CA
Joined communal tribe in Novato, Ca
Music study at College of Marin
Astrological readings, Natal and transits and Tarot Readings done locally
Importer- special meditative goods from Jalisco Mexico
Relocated to Shasta County CA
Purchase of computer and Solar Fire software makes my chart construction process a joyful experience.
Astrological Practice, Natal, Solar Return, Transits and Horary and predictive work at Celestine Psychic Center Redding CA -Liv Thompson. Proprietor 5 years 1263 CA St & Cypress Square, Redding 2008-2013
Began Chiron Society Astrological Discussion Group bi-monthly meetings w/ readings, predictive work and Astrological instruction
First trip to Cusco, April 2011-Peru for shamanic study and despacho ceremonies with Paco Don Basilio, Dona Sabina and Dona Santusa, Ashera Sarfaty, facilitator
-Chiron Society Astrological Group at Bi-monthly meetings w/ readings, predictive work and Astrological instruction at Center for Spiritual Living 1905 Hartness Ave 2014
Birth Chart Study Group monthly at Ctr. Spiritual Living 2015
Promoter of 2 Healing and Psychic Faires at Center for Spiritual Living -partnering with Ava Malinovsky 2016- May 2018
Readings and predictive work, Chiron Society Astrological Discussion Group held at Conscious Living Yoga, Butte St. Redding -Nancy Sutton, proprietor 2015-2017
Promoter of 3 Psychic and Healing Faires at Conscious Living Yoga Sept 2017, March 2017, 2018
Continued practice of Astrology, Natal & Solar Return Readings, Transits, Horary readings, predictive work, and teaching
Organized meditation retreats when Mer-Ka-Ba to Mt. Shasta Pyramid Omaran builder 2015-16
Edward Frisbie Mansion 1246 East St. Redding CA, -Natal & Solar Return Readings, Transits, Horary readings and predictive work,
McCormic Mansion 1542 Oregon St. Redding CA, Natal &Solar Return Readings, Horary readings and predictive work,
Shamanic study with Red Tail, Lakota shaman at Frisbie Mansion and seasonal retreat behind Mt Shasta
Meditation and Psychic study with Author of Every Day Meditation
Fire Ceremony organized for visiting shaman Shaman from Lake Titicaca, Don Roger, Donna Jackson, Peru retreat facilitator and yoga instructor, Lakota shaman Red Tail
Chiron Society Meetings
Second Peru Retreat Cusco with Don Basilio May 2016
Readings, Natal, Solar Return and Horary predictive at Holistic Healing and Psychic Faire – Win River Casino Event Center -Twice yearly from 2012-2023
2020 to Present Chiron Society Astrological Group Meetings on zoom.us, bi-monthly Transit analysis, readings, Horary and predictive work
My next radio presentation will be Thurs. Aug. 31 at 7:00 PM on KNCR Radio 1460 AM and 96.5 FM, all of my previous shows on Thurs night with Linda Bott, owner are available on the KNCR archive